Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Post 3

A Vision of Students Today by Michael Wesch

This was a vision of students that has to be changed. I see why we as Americans are so far behind other countries when it comes to education. American classrooms are designed to cut the top of your head off stuff it with outdated information and burp you up on test date. Teachers walk in the classroom, goes directly to the chalkboard and begin to fill you with information. The teacher walks in the room and asks all students to pull out their books, define all the words at the end of the chapter. You will be tested on all words Friday.
This vision of students must change or we will soon be at the mercy of any country that will feed us. It is up to teachers especially EDM 310 to get out there, use the tools of this course to effectively help students come out of the dark ages and enter the technological era at hand.
Classrooms today use information that is limited to textbooks and chalkboards. Think of what students miss when with a compiuter at the touch of a button there is unlimited information avaoilable. Most assignments given in class are not relevant to what the student will experience 4 years from now when they graduate.
We didn't create the problems but they are our problems and we must try to fix them.

It's Not About Technology by Kelly W. Hines

Ms. Hines express that it's not about technology the main focus is that teachers must learn WHAT!!!!! Teachers need to learn , are you crazy we know everything. This might be what a teacher conversation might sound like. In all actually teachers have a lot to learn and it is a continuing process. We need to learn of the different cultures and social issues that students face in order to help. Students bring many problems to the classroom that affects their learning. Technology is useless if the teacher knows little or nothing about it. Just sitting in class playing Solitaire is not using a computer.

It's Okay To Be Technologically Illiterate

Principals should be held accountable for technological illiterate teachers. They are on the front lines with the ability to evaluate teacher performances. In the 19th Century one could get by without technology but it's getting harder and harder. By the end of the next decade you won't make it without knowing and using technology.
In order to teach the use of modern technology you must be able to use it. Thanks to EDM 310, I may not be the best but will have some working knowledge of technology. Students catch on to technology very easy and teachers can learn from the students if we learn to be creative and adjust with the students. It's okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher but know it and work to learn more.

Gary's Social Media by Gary P. Hayes

This was a very unusual but true exhibit of social medias count rising by the seconds. I didn't say by the day or hour, but by the second. Social media has captured the fascination of people all over the world. From face book to twitter to gmail, social media is used more than one goes to the toilet with diarrhea. Teachers, Political Leaders and others in leadership positions need to accept this and get on or get left.


  1. Clemente,

    The presentation of your blog post looks very good. After I read it I began to wonder if you understood the messages of the videos and articles. Be sure you give us your opinions on the actual videos and stay on topic. Also, be sure you check your post for writing errors before you publish it. Feel free to edit this post to get rid of any errors you find. And...
    "From face book to twitter to gmail, social media is used more than one goes to the toilet with diarrhea" --sweet statistic...


  2. Also, in your analysis of "It's Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher" you answered no at the beginning but at the end you said it is okay. Probably just a typo... no biggie, feel free to get in there and fix it!

  3. Clemente,
    I have to agree with Jacey on the statistic about social media and using the restroom, great analogy and oh so very true! In the same blog about Social Media, what do you mean by "leaders need to get on or get left?" I may just not understand or is it simple and I am thinking to hard?
    I think that teachers and schools are stuck on the way of lecturing out of a book because that is all they have ever known, and now that technology is rising and becoming available some switch and some may stick to their old ways.

  4. It is clear that you understand the dilemma we are in if we do not change the way we teach and the way we use technology as a tool in the teaching process.
